Evaluation of Projects

Every demonstration project sponsored by the National Insurance Institute is accompanied by a research evaluation, for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of the project. These research studies are carried out by external bodies, under the responsibility and funding of  the NII.


The research evaluations will help the organization improve the project, and at times they may serve as a means for other organizations working on similar projects to learn from your experience.  


There are several types of research evaluations, some that measure productivity and others that analyze the process. The typical research evaluation of demonstration projects is one that summarizes it and formulates it. The type of approach chosen for your projects depends on the nature and goals of the specific project. After receiving a number of detailed proposals for a research evaluation from a number of external bodies, the research committee of the NII selects the most appropriate one for each project. In the course of the project’s operation, you will take part in the designing of the research tools; furthermore, you will be asked to gather data from the project’s participants and transfer these data to the research workers.